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  • Writer's pictureCameron Springett

The Milkmen Are Afloat!

06.04.18 So I find myself at The Fighting Cocks in London's Kingston, a venue which had organised a night of gruesome twosomes. I went along to check out the Brighton based duo 'SKiNNY MiLK' (Johnny and Tim), two milkmen who have been working hard to cover rounds all over the country, detouring to take a Euro tour as Male Gaze to help support the mighty  Thee Oh Sees. Also on the bill at the Kingston rock pocket, were Model Citizens and Suspects,  both of which are definitely worth going to see if you get the chance. The night pulled in a good crowd, including my own smile along with many others mirrored around the room as 'SKiNNY MiLK' took to the stage. Johnny plucked the first few notes which engaged drummer T to rattle the snare. Chatter silenced as the sound loomed, captivating the attention of all. I look toward my captors as introduction arrives.

T hitting heavy throughout the fast paced tunes whilst Johnny weilds his space bass sounding its sirens to warn of the impending fuzz. Heads rocking, toes tapping, the crowds-a-clapping as speakers scream loud and clear for all to hear, exactly what 'SKiNNY MiLK' are about. The bass bounces back and forth whilst Johnny employees his legs to do the same, the music fills the room with an aura of appreciation that is embraced by all. The blood, sweat and tears that has gone into their musicianship is in full effect. These two-tops-off, tats-out, not fucking about rude boys are fast paced and in your face. T rolls the drums as if it were a race along with Johnny's rhythmic walks and strong delivery of the melodic vocals. I felt a lot of love for this band and it was evident that the crowd did too, pushing up to the front to immerse themselves in the movement that begins to grow within the midst of the sweaty venue. As the crowd demands an encore, the presence of the room is now that of an unmistakably great band. It is clear that 'SKiNNY MiLK' are here to stay, and I for one am looking forward to seeing what they're going pull out the hat next!

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